PostdocNet Survey

With our annual survey, we aim to collect comprehensive data on the demographics, working conditions, and general wellbeing of the postdocs in our network.

The PostdocNet survey helps us to better understand the situation and needs of MPG postdocs, including working conditions, career development, and general quality of life.

Collecting detailed information on these topics is important for two main reasons. First, it helps the Steering Group to understand which issues are most common and most critical, which in turn determines the issues that get prioritized in the agenda for the year. Second, having rigorously-collected, quantitative information on the challenges facing postdocs in the MPG allows us to more effectively address these challenges in collaboration with the Max Planck General Administration.

The 2024 PostdocNet General Survey is underway! Have you received a personalized email link? If not, please fill out this form!

Two years ago, the PostdocNet conducted a survey of over 650 postdocs throughout the MPG (you can read the survey here). After several months of work from our Working Group, we are proud to say that the 2024 PostdocNet Survey has finally arrived! This survey is open to all MPG Postdocs and will be available from June 12th to August 18th.

What topics will be covered in this year’s survey?

This year, there will be 7 sections: Demographics, Immigration, Parenting, Working Conditions, Career Development, Mental Well-being, and Working Conditions. This survey will take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

How will I participate in the survey?

Every postdoc will get a unique link to the survey sent to them in their email address. Many of these email addresses have been sent to us via your External Representatives (and there is still time for them to do so!). However, if you do not have an external representative and/or do not receive a personalized link by June 17th, please fill out this form, and we will send you a link once we verify that you are a postdoc.

Is my data secure?

Yes. We are using LimeSurvey, a platform that satisfies various data privacy laws. All survey responses are anonymous as well, and your responses cannot be traced back to you. Before the survey, you will complete a Data Consent form, to make sure that you are aware of what we do with your data.

Why should I complete this survey?

We want to hear your voice!

In 2022, we had 659 responses from over 50 institutes, which was a great turnout. This year, we are aiming for 1000 responses and over 60 institutes! Representation is so important, and we want to make sure we are receiving data from a diverse set of postdocs to understand the heterogeneity of ideas and positions. As well: more responses equal better statistical power.

As well, if an institute submits 10 or more surveys, they will receive a personalized report outlining how their MPI compares with others. We want to make sure that we can use this survey to affect change both at headquarters and also locally at individual institutes.

If you are interested in helping to draft, program, and/or analyze the next survey, you can contact the Survey Working Group to get involved.

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