News from PostdocNet

<span><span>Statement on the Federal Cabinet's decision on the WissZeitVG amendment of March 27, 2024</span></span>

Soon, the Bundestag will discuss an amendment to the WissZeitVG. We, along with other postdoctoral networks in Germany, have drafted a statement to share our thoughts on the proposed amendments. more

Kommentar der deutschen Postdoktorandennetzwerke zum WissZeitVG

Hier finden sie unser offizielles Schreiben an das BMBF zum Referent:innenentwurf des WissZeitVG vom 06.06.2023. more

Joint Statement of the German Postdoctoral Networks on the Draft Bill for the WissZeitVG

The following is an official English translation of the comments sent to the BMBF regarding the Draft Bill for the WissZeitVG dated 06.06.2023. more

Results of 2022 PostdocNet Survey Now Available!

After months of hard work, the results of last year’s survey have been published and are ready to be shared. more

Information on family support now available as part of our Welcome Package

The first section of the Onboarding Working Group’s Welcome Package, covering family support available to MPG postdocs, has been published! more

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